For the person who just wants to scream, this is for you. For the person who just wants to cry, this is for you. If you are in a position where you are are mad or angry or upset with God, this is for you. I've been there to. From my experience I have learned that it is better to just let it out then to hold it back. It's easier to lay it all at his feet and let him know how you feel, than to carry all of it with you throughout the day.
So often we don't agree with the things that God does, so we get mad and block him out. But what is so amazing is no matter how hard you try, he can't be blocked out. God will fight as many battles as he can to win you back and for you to find your way back to him.
I've had many moments where I just had to have a crying session with God and shared my thoughts with him about what was going on in my life. Jesus showed us his emotional and vulnerable side to us while he was on earth. We should be able to do the same.
You might be thinking "Well God can already read your thoughts so why do you have to talk to him about them?" That's a good question. And it has a simple answer. God loves to hear from you. He loves it when we talk to him, or when we open up to him. It helps our relationship with him grow.
So let it out. Maybe that's what your walk with God needs. It needs the moments where you just sit there in your room, by yourself and just hang out with God.